class PersonController < ApplicationController # model :location, :person # before_filter :validate_person, :only => [:edit, :update, :do_change_pass] @person = '' def login if session[:person] reset_session end end def sign_on person = Person.authenticate( params[:person][:email], params[:person][:password]) if person session[:person] = person if session[:url] redirect_to session[:url] else redirect_to :controller => "person", :action => "show", :id => session[:person].id end session[:url] = nil else flash[:notice] = "Login fehlgeschlagen." redirect_to :action => "login" end end def logout reset_session redirect_to :action => "login" end def login end def index redirect_to :action => "list" end # list all persons def list @persons = Person.find(:all, :order => :email ) end # show information about a person def show begin @person = Person.find(params[:id]) @locations = Location.find(:all, :conditions => ["person_id = ?", params[:id]] ) rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound render_text "Error, Person not found" end end # edit a specific person identified by param person id def edit @person = Person.find(params[:id]) if session[:person] != @person and session[:person].email != '' flash[:notice] = 'Sie haben nicht die Berechtigung hierfür.' redirect_to :back end end # update the information about a person identified by person id def update @person = Person.find(params[:id]) if session[:person] != @person and session[:person].email != '' flash[:notice] = 'Sie haben nicht die Berechtigung hierfür.' redirect_to :back else if @person.update_attributes(params[:person]) flash[:notice] = 'Person wurde erfolgreich upgedatet.' redirect_to :action => 'show', :id => @person else flash[:notice] = 'Person wurde NICHT verändert.' redirect_to :action => 'edit', :id => @person end end end def register end # create new person record def create if params[:password] == params[:password2] values = params[:person] values[:password] = params[:password] @person = @person.password = params[:person][:password] if flash[:notice] = 'Person erfolgreich registriert' redirect_to :action => 'show', :id => @person else params[:person][:password2] = ""; params[:person][:password] = ""; render :action => 'register', :person => params[:person] end else flash[:notice] = 'Bitte überprüfen Sie ihre Eingabe' render :action => 'register', :person => params[:person] end end # revoke password form def revoke_pass reset_session end # generate new password and mail to the poor guy def do_revoke password = newpass( 8 ) @person = Person.find( :first, :conditions => [ "email = ?", params[:person][:email] ] ) if @person == nil flash[:notice] = 'Die angegebene Email Adresse ist nicht registriert.' redirect_to :action => 'revoke_pass' elsif @person.update_attribute( 'password', password ) mail = PasswordMailer.deliver_password( @person, password ) flash[:notice] = 'Ihr neues Passwort wird Ihnen via email zugesendet.' redirect_to :action => 'login' else render :action => 'revoke_pass' end end def change_pass @person = Person.find(params[:id]) if session[:person] != @person flash[:notice] = 'Sie haben nicht die Berechtigung hierfür.' redirect_to :back end end def do_change_pass person = Person.find( :first, :conditions => [ "email = BINARY ? AND password = BINARY ?", session[:person][:email], Digest::MD5.hexdigest(params[:oldpassword]) ] ) if person and params[:password] == params[:password2] person.update_attribute( 'password', params[:password] ) flash[:notice] = 'Ihr Passwort wurde geaendert.' redirect_to :action => 'show', :id => session[:person][:id] else flash[:notice] = 'Ihr altes Passwort wurde falsch eingegeben.' redirect_to :back end end protected # validate rights of person def validate_person if session[:person] != @person flash[:notice] = 'Sie sind leider nicht berechtigt!' redirect_to :back end end private # generate alphanumeric password def newpass( len ) chars = ("a".."z").to_a + ("A".."Z").to_a + ("1".."9").to_a newpass = "" 1.upto(len) { |i| newpass << chars[rand(chars.size-1)] } return newpass end end