class NodeController < ApplicationController model :person def index redirect_to :action => "list" end def list @location = @params[:location] if @location != nil @nodes = Node.find(:all, :conditions => ["location_id = ?", Location.find_by_name(@params[:location]).id], :order => 'location_id') else @nodes = Node.find(:all, :order => 'location_id') end end def destroy end def edit @persons = Person.find(:all) @node = Node.find(params[:id]) end def update @node = Node.find(params[:id]) values = params[:node] if ( session[:person] != @node.location.person ) and ( session[:person].email != '' ) flash[:notice] = 'Sie sind nicht berechtigt.' redirect_to :back else if @node.update_attributes(params[:node]) flash[:notice] = 'Node erfolgreich geaendert' redirect_to :action => 'show', :controller => 'location', :id => @node.location else flash[:notice] = 'Ă„nderung fehlgeschlagen' redirect_to :action => 'show', :controller => 'location', :id => @node.location end end end def new @persons = Person.find(:all) @location = Location.find(params[:location]) @node = :location_id => ) end def do_new node_values = params[:node] node_values[:time] = node_values[:creator_ip] = @request.env["REMOTE_ADDR"] # Nets.find(:first, :conditions => location = Location.find(node_values[:location_id]) if ( session[:person] != location.person ) and ( session[:person].email != '' ) flash[:notice] = 'Sie sind nicht berechtigt.' redirect_to :action => 'show', :controller => 'person', :id => session[:person].id elsif Node.create_node(node_values) flash[:notice] = 'Node erfolgreich erzeugt' redirect_to :action => "show", :controller => "location", :id => node_values[:location_id] else flash[:notice] = 'error' render_text 'error' end end end