Online Meeting Monday 14.12.2020 at 8pm


Online Meeting Monday 30.11.2020 at 8pm


Meeting Monday 07.09.2020 at 20:00

Metting at Kaiser-Josef-Platz Platzhirsch.

Meeting Monday 17.08.2020 at 20:00

Metting at Kaiser-Josef-Platz Platzhirsch.

Projekt [Sch]

Funkfeuer supports project "[Sch]" to create acoustic live streams between Clocktower shadow and its pendant. Continue reading!

Funkfeuer at the Fieldday Dobl
added on 7.05.2018

We participate the largest styrian Hamradio-Festival and provide our ideas of a free network.

General Assembly, March 19th 2018
added on 5th Feb 2018

Calling of General Assembly for Monday, 19th Mar 2018 at 8pm!